Team Mum

Partnering with – to create their largest fundraising campaign yet, with matched donations by UK Aid.


We helped secure UK Aid match funding with initial concept designs – and were then responsible for the creative direction of the campaign, and all visual deliverables.

In rural Kenya, 1 in 26 babies die before their first birthday. wanted to ensure that this stat is greatly reduced – by offering pregnancy support groups, pre and post natal care for mums-to-be.

Working with brilliant Comms Manager Ellie Dawes, we knew early on that we wanted to create something very different to the core brand. Big impact was required – we needed people to be pulled in, to know this was something different, and for it to go beyond Child.orgs usual supporters.

Naomi had known of Emma Mary Douglas’ work for some time, and this was the perfect fit. After briefing Emma (and us working through a number of varying approaches and colour palettes) she created a beautiful base set of illustrative assets for us, including the Team Mum typesetting and full alphabets.

From this, we created a huge campaign-wide brand system – ensuring that everything also passed UK Aid Match’s regulations.

Our goal was to reach £125,000 in donations – matched by the UK government to make it £250,000.

Our actual total raised through the 3 month campaign was an incredible £502,952.


Our work

Campaign SYSTEM

  • Campaign Guidelines: Logo and Badge usage, Colour, Typography, Illustration, Photography.

  • UK Aid integration

  • Website takeover

  • Printed communications

  • Social template designs


  • Initial visual campaign concepts

  • Art direction (Design, illustration, film editing, animation)


Campaign strategy & Copywriting: Ellie Dawes,

Stories & Content: Africa team,

Illustration & Lettering: Emma Mary Douglas

Photography & Film: Chris Rhys Howarth

Logo animation: Florent Schirrer


The brand and style that Naomi created for's Team Mum campaign completely blew us away.

It enabled the charity to reach a whole new audience and present our work in a completely new context.

Crucially, the beautiful suite of assets she created (including a Team Mum font, Adobe libraries of shapes, a colour palette, and editable frames) enabled comms partners and fundraisers to have some ownership and flexibility - even creating their own materials.


Naomi truly understands how charities and fundraising work, and created a robust campaign look and feel that could be used and adapted by fundraisers and partners, while retaining a recognisable style that we will use for years to come.

Ellie Dawes
, Comms Manager at


Primary palette


Supporting palette


Meet Lillian, Winfred, Consolata and Donata…

Tap to play…


Why we wanted to work with TEAM MUM

We’ve always had a close relationship with – so having the ability to work with them on their biggest campaign yet, was a super exciting time for us all.

The stories that came from rural Kenya were both beautiful and devastating. We felt like we got to know these women from afar – and it only made us more determined to do a great job.

We’re not sure that we’ll be able to top our experience with this one… but why would we want to?


Branded by Naomi, Ellie, Emma, Chris and Flo


Support team mum


Just because the initial campaign has passed, doesn’t mean that you can’t still support this fantastic cause.

You can give a small amount each month, ensuring ongoing support to mums and babies in rural Kenya. Go on – you know you want to… (and please let us know when you do)!



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